Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Green Extremism

Couple this photo with the headline, "Only 7 Days to Save Your Coast!" and you get an idea of the extremes the environmental movement goes to in its politicking and fundraising efforts.

This particular example came from Earth Resource (h/t Jim), and is only about politics, specifically a call to ER members to do their part to continue Arab domination of world oil resources by fighting to keep restrictions on offshore drilling.

Of course the message goes apoplectic with overstatement, like "[the bill] would immediately remove all of our existing coastal protections," and that an oil spill "would destroy California's economy." Seems the economy of France, home of the biggest oil spill (not Alaska, as most think) still has some sort of economy intact, despite the best efforts of its Socialists.

And what's with that huge black cloud? Are offshore oil spills now going atmospheric?

This piece was an email, but every year, the environmental movement sends out perhaps 100 million slick mailers seeking members and funds. In the process, they destroy forests, pollute the air with trucks to carry their mailings here and there, and pollute water near paper mills.

They file no environmental impact reports for their direct mail campaigns, and they make no apologies -- even when they're caught putting "recycled paper" symbols on virgin paper stock, which has happened at least once.

It's their right to rally their troops and raise their bucks, but they are exercising their rights without responsibility, and that's a dangerous thing.