Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Socialist Foundation Of France Riots

In my previous post on the French riots, I concluded with:
This know-but-don't-tell policy of the media makes it impossible to relate these riots to any analysis of tension between the Muslim and white communities, the Islamic and Christian communities, or even of the tensions within the Muslim commuity. Those are important stories that just can't be told if the MSM is going to continue to not report that the rioters are Muslims.
The excellent foreign affairs analyst Bill Rice, who blogs at Dawn's Early Light, built on my point in a comment:
The riots do involve religion, but I think it is not the major issue causing them. My argument at DEL places the blame on French socialism.

20 years of French unemployment rates hovering around 10% for the general population, 25% for the immigrant population and 75%(!) for those under 25 years of age creates a culture of frustration. Communities without jobs, regardless of religious beliefs will likely find a high crime rate that leads to disenfranchisement with society.

Now the tradegy in this outcome, is two fold:
1) the riots we see over a week now in France
2) the appeal of the radical Islamic immans that give a false sense of community and purpose along with a government/society to attack.

The riots were sparked from children running from the police out of fear.

If the French solve their systemic economic problems (which I think is highly unlikely) they will do much better with riots in the suburbs of Paris.

However, if they fail to do this, radical Islam will become even more appealing to those left behind in an economically bankrupt society.