Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Eighth Night: Paris Burning Again

As the Paris riots finish their eighth day, they are spreading to other towns (Dijon, in central France), and the French government is saying that they are well orchestrated?

By whom?

BBC's not saying in its report, but there are only three obvious options: local gang leaders, French communists or other anti-government groups, or Jihadists.

No matter who got the ball rolling, the situation is now ripe for the Jihadists. They will be able to find many more willing martyrs and soldiers by finding insults to Islam in France's efforts to stem its anger and regain control.

Missing from all the coverage I've read, which is not complete but is extensive, is any mention of Muslim leaders actively calling for peace and calm. Where are the leaders? Too afraid, or too excited?

The papers are getting more straightforward in saying -- deep in the story -- that these are riots in Muslim neighborhoods. But they can't quite come out and say that Muslims are the ones who are rioting.

That probably has something to do with the fact that the French have a Minister for Social Cohesion, one Jean-Louis Borloo. According to BBC, he said the government had to react "firmly," but said that France must also acknowledge its failure to deal with anger simmering in poor suburbs for decades.

He sounds like the LATimes following the LA riots -- blame it on the establishment, not on the perpetrators.

France needs to deal with the poverty of its Muslim communities, but it cannot allow that poverty to excuse rioting because then all disruptive behavior will be able to find its own excuse.

photo: BBC