Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Global Cooling?

Here's a little tidbit the global warming hawks might not want you to see:
The Amazon River, South America's largest, has hit its lowest level in the 36 years since records have been kept near its source in Peru, experts said. Peru's National Port Company (ENAPU) has recorded the river's level at the river port of Iquitos, in northeastern Peru, since 1969.

... "It is quite clear that low levels have been more frequent in the past 10 years...."
The significance? I'll let Jon at Greenie Watch lay it out:
If the oceans were REALLY warming wouldn't they be evaporating off more water and thus bring about INCREASED rainfall? I think if we followed the usual Greenie logic, we would have to say that the Amazon shows the effects of global COOLING!