Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 07, 2005

BBC Doesn't Believe BBC On Bush

BBC has backed of a highly trumpeted BBC2 story in which Palestinian hooligans... er leaders ... claim President Bush told them God speaks to him.

When I posted on the story Thursday, it was under the headline "BBC Believes This Garbage?" Apparently not.

Most BBC2 outlets didn't pick it up, and according to the Bush-hating Guardian:
But the BBC News website's coverage was distinctly lukewarm - running the story under the headline "White House denies Bush God claim", rather than the press release's headline of "God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers".
Reporters aren't naieve, so don't assume for a second that BBC2 bought the Palestinian's lie for that reason. No, this is the bunch Tony Blair allegedly complained to Rupert Murdoch, saying, BBC's Katrina coverage was "just full of hate for America and gloating about our troubles."

BBC, to its credit, appears to have realized that BBC2's Bush hatred was simply too transparently and visciously biased against Bush that they couldn't run with the story.

h/t Free Republic