Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 07, 2005

Energy Lemmings March On

Not a single Dem voted for legislation that would ease restrictions on the construction of new oil refineries today. The measure passed 212-210.

Thirteen Republicans joined the lemmings in their charge for the cliff.

California's own Nancy Pelosi tried to top her tall mountain of stupid, inane statements when she said of the measure:
"Using Hurricane Katrina as their excuses the Republicans are again pushing their special interest agenda ..."
Gee, and here I thought Katrina and Rita made it clear that we had too few refineries, with too many of them packed in one vulnerable area. She and her party should recognize that everyone who has to pump gas at $3+ a gallon is a special interest, too.

The lemmings included:
... the National League of Cities, nine state attorneys general, most environmental organizations and groups representing state officials in charge of implementing federal clean air requirements.
Hmmm. Seems like a bunch of special interests to me.

The lemming's chorus was that the measure wouldn't do anything to relieve rising oil prices now, which of course is true but ludicrous. Refineries create supply, not legislation, but in this case legislation is a necessary prerequisite.

The bill -- which faces probable doom in the Senate -- directs President to identify federal land that is appropriate for refineries and streamlines environmental processing. It does not loosen the environmental regulations themselves.

All in all, despite the bill's passage, it was just another happy day of OPEC.