Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, October 10, 2005

Chop And Churn Over Miers

There's the poll of 200 conservative bloggers on Miers (79, actually; that's all that responded) and the WashTimes story about GOP Senators withholding support.

There were also 40,000 body bags sent to New Orleans.

The media and blog frenzy is really churning up some serious chop on the nomination, and it's looking more and more like a bodies-in-the-Superdome story. Is the nomination in doubt?

First, let's dispense with the notion that Bush will withdraw the nomination. That's not in his genetic make-up; so much so, that he wouldn't let Miers excuse herself.

What about those Senators? Let me rephrase that. What about those self-agrandizing, self-centered, politically spineless Senators? How are you going to tell when the posturing stops and the commitments begin? It would take conviction to stand up for Miers in the churn and chop that's going on now, and we shouldn't count on seeing much of it.

And what about the blogs? Less than 40 percent of those asked even bothered to answer, and the results are mixed:
  • 40% neutral to excellent on the choice vs. 39% negative
  • More wanting continued support for Miers vs. Bush withdrawing his support
  • And a troubling even split -- 26% to 27% -- on how GOP Senators should, but with another 26% undecided.
This is weak grandstanding at best. A good performance by Miers before the Committee will wash away most of this opposition and turn the undecideds favorable. And Miers should perform well -- just look at her resume; she knows her stuff.