Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, September 16, 2005

China's Slave Labor Camps

I was talking to a friend last night, conservative, politically active, who had been to China recently with a US political delegation. Talking about the cameras throughout the hotels and the cautions not even to whisper anything about policy or true feelings about the Chinese government, he said, "They are still Communists, you know."

It is easy to forget as we see the Capitalist-looking goods flowing out of China. But we can't afford to forget. Without a reformation of freedom in China, a huge portion of the world's population will remain in ideological chains.

As a memory elixer to help you keep China in perspective, here's a BBC expose on China's prison labor camps. Excerpt:
[The camps] have played a key role in the country's dramatic economic rise by processing goods for export, according to Harry Wu, a prominent US-based campaigner who was held in labour camps for 19 years.

But the basic system remains what it always was - a tool to help a totalitarian regime maintain control," he says.