Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Huffington's Ignoble Entry

Some things are just too sweet. Free Republic reports that Arianna Huffington arrived to her speech at a San Francisco Sierra Club Summit in an SUV were juicy enough ... but here's the explanation provided by her blog's editor:
The truth does always comes out, but it isn't always clear. While the reporter was absolutely right that Arianna arrived at the meeting in an SUV, he didn't get the whole story. Namely, that the SUV had been sent by the Sierra Club to bring Arianna from the San Francisco airport to the Sierra Club conference at the Moscone Center ...
The Sierra Club uses SUVs for its own purposes while posting this cartoon over the chapter in its Web site called "The SUV Threat."

Here's what they preach-screach to their members:
America's cars and light trucks alone produce nearly 20 percent of U.S. CO2 pollution. That's more than all but four countries worldwide! And transportation is the fastest-growing sector of global-warming pollution in the nation. Popular light trucks pump out 237 million tons of global-warming pollution into our atmosphere each year. That's because every gallon of gas burned emits 28 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.
One thing admirable about the Sierra Club ... They've apparently learned to not believe their own PR.