Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, August 05, 2005

NYT Ignores Blogstorm; Praises Blogs

Opining on the blogosphere this morning, the NYTimes said:

"Think of it as the global thought bubble of a single voluble species."

I think all of us in the sphere will like that thought, even if we wonder how the NYT can editorialize about blogs the day after the blogosphere heaped wrath upon them for investigating the Roberts adoption and not say a word about how blog content is increasingly putting pressure on MSM business as usual.

The editorial also included a very snarky passage:

Perhaps the strongest indicator of the importance of blogdom isn't those discussions themselves, but the extent to which media outlets are creating blogs - or bloglike manifestations - of their own.

That is the serious side of the blogosphere.

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but doesn't that say that the largely tepid MSM blogs are what is legitimizing the blogosphere? Think a little less of yourself, please.

Let's not forget the stats, reported by the NYT from Technorati:
Nearly 80,000 new blogs are created every day, and there are some 14.2 million in existence already, 55 percent of which remain active. Some 900,000 new blog postings are added every day - a steady increase marked by extraordinary spikes in new postings after incidents like the London bombing. The blogosphere - that is, the virtual realm of blogdom as a whole - doubles in
size every five and a half months.