Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, August 04, 2005

As Goes Europe, So Goes The US?

I know two posts down is something about an blatherer who wants to limit free speech, but bear with me; he's harmless enough and stupid. This limitation is good:
France deported an imam to his native Algeria on Friday for incendiary sermons at mosques in Paris, and at least eight more extremist clerics are expected to be banished in the coming weeks.

Italy expelled eight fundamentalist Palestinian preachers on Tuesday for not holding proper residency permits, Italian news agency ANSA reported.

The British Home Office announced recently that it will introduce an anti-terror bill that criminalizes "indirect incitement of terrorism," and is creating a database to identify those who preach intolerance and run Web sites promoting jihad, or holy war.
America should not sleep through this. Preachers of jihad are in our midst, as are impressionable young men who will listen to their message. We do not have to tolerate those who incite mass murder.

By the way, the WashTimes piece reporting the anti-PsychoImam actions concluded by saying human rights groups are critical of the move, fearing the dingbats might be treated poorly by their home countries.
