Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sticks and Stones

John Banzhaf, a Ralph Nader wannabe, is not a sticks and stones kind of guy; words hurt him. They hurt him so much, in fact, that he's threatening the licenses of four television stations if they so much as utter the word that offends him so.

Score a two-fer for Banzhaf. He's attacked freedom of speech and freedom of the press in one hissy fit of political correctness.

The word in question is ... ask the kids to leave the room ... log off if you're easily offended ... Redskins!

I assume he's not talking about those cute little potatoes, but the Washington Redskins. I know there's no team out there called the Palefaces or the Darkies; I'll give him that it's an offensive name, but threatening to challenge the broadcast licenses of television stations that utter the word is an overly aggressive and misdirected tactic.

Heritage Foundation writer Rich Tucker said of Banzhaf's lawsuit:
This potential legal action isn't aimed at the people Banzhaf claims are offending him. Rahter he's challenging others, warning them that if they even dare to speak a word he finds offensive, he'll attempt to put them out of business.

In the United States today, intolerance is the new tolerance. When someone speaks of the importances of tolerance he doesn't mean, "I respect your right to say or do something, even if I disagree." What he means is "If I'm offended by what you say or do, I'll take legal action to stop you." And, in the Redskins' case, anyone who even speaks the name.
I just don't think it's necessary. A co-worker told me his parents grew up in Pekin, Illinois, where the school team was called the Chinks. That sort of biggotry is so passe in the United States today that Banzhaf should just take a breath. He's hurting his cause by being a pandering, aggravating, self-promoting fool.