Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, July 08, 2005

More Zimbabwean Insanity. Fax Mugabe!

Jot down this number: 263.4.703858. It is, reportedly, Robert Mugabe's fax number.

Wondering what to fax him about? Of course the forced relocation of thousands of poor people from Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, would be a good subject. Or how about this one, all you folks who so recently got riled up by the Kelo decision?

"HARARE City Council has rescinded all land sale agreements made between 1998 and this year and is now reselling the land at market rates to the same buyers, where necessary.

The prices charged in many of the agreements were a small fraction of pertaining market rates and usually well below the then cost of servicing the land.

The price reviews follow the cancellation and invalidation of various sale agreements entered from 1998 with churches, individuals and housing co-operatives.

Town clerk Mr Nomutsa Chideya yesterday confirmed the new development, but would not be drawn into commenting much about the issue.
Source: Zimbabwean Pundit. H/T: Publius Pundit