Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Al Jazeera On London Attack

Were Islam a religion of peace, we might expect a story in that religion's leading news service titled Muslim leaders condemn bloody attacks in London to say the attack was a bad thing on its face. Instead, we see this:

Muslim leaders strongly denounced on Thursday bloody attacks that shook London in the morning, raising fears that Muslim communities all over the world could now fall prey to vigilante attacks.

The attacks would make the Muslim community less safe, Muslim Association of Britain president Ahmed Sheikh said, adding that women wearing Hijab, or Islamic headscarves might be in particular danger.

Granted, the story later included a quote referring to the terrorists as "evil people," but that was it. The rest was all, "Woe is me." It's really unbelievably self-centered, hard-hearted and un-Godly to leave out the victims of the crime and project that there might be violence against others.

The violence in this war was started by the Islamofascists, and today's London horror is evidence that the pool of blood in which Islam is standing is getting deeper and deeper. In contrast, the retaliatory violence against Muslims is rare, making this reaction to today's attack even more selfish, even more dismissive of the people who were killed and injured, and their families.

It is interesting to note that Al Jazeera has turned off its comment section until Saturday morning. Perhaps they feared the unforgiving, bloodthirsty comments their terrorist symmpathizing readers would post there.