Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, July 04, 2005

Sad Reading For July Fourth

Happy 4th of July, everyone, and happy birthday, America!

This is an old interview (pre-Iraqi election) from the Michael Medved show, re-posted on Front Page just last Friday, but even though it made the rounds back the, it merits re-reading. Dissect Left linked to it yesterday. It's still every bit as startling that a major representative of the Left, Daniel Lazare of the Nation, laid out his hatred of America so transparently, and so publicly.

For example:
Michael Medved: Daniel Lazare, would you like to see the elections scheduled for January 30 in Iraq fail?

Daniel Lazare: I'm totally opposed to what the U.S. is doing in Iraq. Therefore, I would no more support U.S. elections than I would support German elections in France during World War II.

Michael Medved: So you're sticking with this comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany?

David Horowitz: He is, because he believes it in his soul.

Daniel Lazare: I believe it. I believe it entirely.

And here's one more:

Michael Medved: Okay, Daniel Lazare, you would like to see – what would you like to see happen regarding the Islamo-fascist movement?

Daniel Lazare: The Islamo-fascist movement?

Michael Medved: Yes, jihadi warriors that we are fighting right now.

Daniel Lazare: I want to see it defeated, obviously.

Michael Medved: What's that?

Daniel Lazare: I want to see it defeated, obviously, as I want to see the Jewish fascist movement and the Christian fascist movement defeated, okay?

David Horowitz: What’s that?

Michael Medved: Defeated by whom and how?

Daniel Lazare: By democratic forces, secular democratic forces.

Michael Medved: Such as? Who are the good guys in this –

Daniel Lazare: Socialist forces.

Happy 4th of July. Pray for the troops that are putting their lives at risk so Daniel Lazare can be free to say whatever he believes on America's airwaves.