Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, July 08, 2005

Another Reason To Like Tony Blair

Tony Blair laid it on the line today: The Kyoto Treaty is dead, the US isn't the bad guy, and nothing of significance on the matter will occur until China and India are included in efforts to limit greenhouse gasses:
"It's too easy for people just to point the finger at America. China and India will be major consumers of energy. ... We're not going to get America to come to the summit and say: 'We're now going to sign up to the Kyoto treaty.' There's no way that was ever going to happen. Nor is the G8 the place to go and negotiate a new treaty."

Blair said campaigners had taken the easy option of "pointing the finger at America," because the US did not sign up to the Kyoto accord. "Let's be quite clear about this. America spends more on research and development on climate change than anybody else. It's not as if they don't recognise that these are issues. The key thing is is to try to set in place a process that allows us to get an agreement in future, because if we don't...then we are in big trouble in future years."
I'm still not convinced about the "big trouble," at least as far as humankind's contribution to it. If there is big trouble, we will be a small part of causing it. But for everything else, Blair earns another A.

Source: Forbes. H/T Greenie Watch