Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Case Against The Case Against Bush

As the Left grinds its gears blaming the London bombings on Bush and Blair, here's all you need to know in one paragraph from The Astute Blogger:
Bush and Blair are no more responsible for today's attacks than they were for the beheadings in Thailand, OR the attack on Khobar Towers, OR on the USS COLE, OR on the two US African EMBASSIES, or on the MOSCOW THEATER, OR the BESLAN SCHOOL. Or on Ayodhya. Or in Turkey. Or in Kashmir. And so on. (These attacks either came BEFORE Bush was president - and BEFORE the Iraq War - or were against non-Christians in non-aligned nations which were opposed to the Iraq War. Or against other Muslims that al Qaeda fanatics don't like for sectarian reasons.)
h/t Betsy