Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Lefty Take On Durbin Apology

From the mis-named America Blog:

Senator Durbin has apologized for criticizing the horrible violation of human rights being committed by the Bush Administration at Guantanamo Bay. Durbin specifically read a horrific report of the conditions at Gitmo, and said it sounded as if he was reading a report about a Soviet Gulag, Pol Pot, or a Stalin prison camp. And Durbin was right. The report did sound like something you'd expect from a despot, rather than a beacon of Democracy.

But in America, Democracy is dead. Freedom is dead. The far-right now controls the Republican party and the White House. America is free to do whatever it wants in the world and at home, and that includes crimes, torture, and any violation of domestic or international law. Why? Because if you complain about it, President Joseph McCarthy Bush and his minions on FOX TV and the US Congress will shut you the hell up so fast, your career will spin.

There you have it: "And Durbin was right." Who are these people? Not one dead prisoner at Gitmo. Not one, not one, not one. To them, words have no meaning; history has no meaning.

If Democracy is dead in America, why isn't the the author, John, in a Gulag for saying this about the supposedly non-democratic, dictitorial American state?

Well, at least he didn't compare Bush to Hitler.