Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, June 20, 2005

Recess Appointment for Bolton?

Associated Press is reporting this afternoon that President Bush may put John Bolton in the U.N. via a recess appointment. If he does, the appointment would last through Jan. 2007.

The move would put Bolton in, and once in, his performance there would probably kill any Dem effort to remove him when he came up for consideration. The Dems would have an opportunity to make the appointment a campaign issue in 2006 -- but that would be over a year after the appointment and only two months before Bolton would come back for consideration, so it's hard to see it translating into a compelling issue.

Alternatively, Bush could deal forcefully with the Dem ploy of delaying by requesting more documents. This would be more productive in the long run, because the Dem's strategy needs to be emasculated before new judicial appointments come forward.

But "forceful" is not a word that applies easily to the Bush administration now days, so the recess appointment is looking pretty good.