Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

NIMBYs Lose A Big One

Just as liberals turn to the courts when their electeds don't follow their crazed desires, NIMBYs love referenda that second-guess the decisions made by elected city councils.

We had a big NIMBY-vs-visionary vote here in OC yesterday, as Santa Ana voters re-decided what their elected officials had already decided: That a high-rise office building downtown would be a good thing for the city and the developer has successfully jumped through the many complex hoops required to earn approval.

Local NIMBYs were livid at the council's decision and qualified a ballot measure that forced the public to spend money that could have been spent better elsewhere to carry out a special election. This morning, once again, they are licking their wounds, failing by a 56.5 to 43.5 margin (landslide!) to kill the building. (OC Register coverage here)

It's another well-deserved defeat of the unsound and dangerous principle of ballot-box planning. The people who promote this cause are self-centered and fail to see the greater public good of the projects they are fighting.
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