Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Greenthink Gone Wild

ANWR shows off its good (?) side (c) National Review

ANWR, that cold, desolate, oil-rich north slope of Alaska, is heating up again. In a post a few weeks ago, I noted that ANWR is about the size of South Carolina, where smart people are proposing to drill for oil in an area that is smaller than the Charleston International Airport.

Today, Betsy's Page talks about a sensationalistic Robert Redford/greenie hit piece on ANWR. Be sure to click on the comments, where Bigfire reminds us:
I've got to find the picture of the US Naval Oil Reserve (until Carter renamed it ANWR) that we're going to drill on. It's a brown patch of wasteland with absolutely NOTHING on it. It's far too cold for tree or grass to grow on, and there [is]no rain.
He later added a link to the photo above, plus some others.