Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Nine-Year March To Irrelevancy

Rest easy, the UN is watching out for you.

Yes, they have completed the draft treaty on nuclear terrorism it has been working on for seven years. How hard can it be for normal people to reach an agreement that nuclear terrorism is a bad thing? Why does anyone other than the delusional John Kerry and Bill Clinton think this organization should be trusted?

What were the tea-sipping diplomats working so hard on for so long?
The convention will provide for a definition of acts of nuclear terrorism and covers a broad range of possible targets, including those against nuclear power plants and nuclear reactors [and] will also apply to threats and attempts to commit such crimes, as well as to participation therein, as an accomplice. Under the convention the alleged offenders must be either extradited or prosecuted. It also encourages States to cooperate in preventing terrorist attacks by sharing information and assisting each other in connection with criminal investigations and extradition proceedings.
I'm glad they could agree that nuclear terrorists should be either extradited or prosecuted, and don't you agree that it feels so much better knowing that member states now know they're supposed to cooperate so nuclear terrorists don't blow us to smithereens? These poor, hapless states would be lost without the UN.

Sorry. I tend to fall into glibness when outrage and disgust are the emotions I'm really feeling. To think that September 11 came and went, Madrid came and went, and Pakistani, North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs are or were moving along, and these useless dips continued, their pace unquickened, sitting around their mahogany tables, earpieces neatly in place, hammering out equisitely nuanced language, feeling grandly about their superior place among humankind.

This slow crafting of treaties leads to slow debates of whether they've been violated and slow considerations of sanctions to be considered. It is hard to imagine the UN believes such work is relevant in an error of high-speed, high-stakes terrorism and counter-terrorism.

Oil-for-food, pedophile peacekeepers, the human rights commission in the hands of the wrong humans, being on the wrong side on Israel, and now this ... why are we supporting this organization?
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