Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, April 02, 2005

La-La-La -- We Don't Want To Hear You

La-La-La -- We don't want to hear you! That's Marc Styne's take on the world's reaction to Terri Schiavo's plight, in a typically brilliant new piece, which he wrote just before Terri died. Excerpt:
If an al-Qa’eda guy got shot up resisting capture in Afghanistan and required a feeding tube and the guards at Guantanamo yanked it out, you’d never hear the end of it from the American Civil Liberties Union and Amnesty International and all the rest. Even given the litigious nature of American society, it still strikes me as remarkable that someone can be literally sued to death, and at the hands of a probate judge. Unlike other condemned prisoners, there’s no hope of a last-minute reprieve from the governor. That’s to say, he did reprieve her, and so did the legislature, and the US Congress and President — and the Florida courts have declared them all irrelevant. So, unlike Death Row, there’s no call from the governor, and no quick painless lethal injection or electrocution or swift clean broken neck from the hangman’s noose, and certainly no last meal.
Read the whole thing here. Registration required, and well worth it.