Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Jane Fonda on Terri Schiavo

Well, not exactly, but here's how her interview in today's USA concludes:

And when her publicity blitz is over, Fonda will have hip-replacement surgery.

"The old joints are going. But I feel fine," she says.

Besides, she jokes, after all those book promotion interviews, "I'll be so ready to be put to sleep!"

Here comes that wicked laugh again. "They shoot horses, don't they?" she says with a wink.

Following the national heart-wrenching over Terri, these little jokes are breathtakingly insensitive and hint that her ongoing apology to vets over her Hanoi Jane days is insincere at best. Here's that passage from the article:

Fonda writes that she regrets being photographed laughing on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun in the notorious photo that helped her be branded Hanoi Jane. She says she hopes "that some veterans, when they realize all the work I've done with GIs, know that I wasn't against the soldiers. I hope that comes across."
It's impossible to consort with the enemy and not be against the soldiers who fight them, and it's hard to be on the right side of life when you make euthanasia jokes.

Update: Michelle Malkin adds to this, bringing in Peter Yarrow of P-eter, Paul & Mary and a joint-puffing John Kerry!

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