Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wasted Tax Dollars: Who's Behind NION 2

The loonies at Not In My Name are running full-page ads trashing the Conservative, moral core of America. I wrote about the ad here and started profiling some of the signatories we, as taxpayers, are supporting here. Now on to Christine B. Harrington:

Harrington is a University of Wisconsin/Madison grad, so she was steeped early in radicalism, which continues to feed healthily on the fetidly leftist environment of NYU. She teaches on law, politics and society at NYU, where her course descriptions include the following:
We study multidisciplinary political movements and debates, such as liberal legalism, legal realism, legal pluralism, law and society, law and economics, feminist jurisprudence, critical legal race theory, and interpretive sociolegal theory. [Anything look particularly conservative there?]

Specifically, we study litigation strategies at the appellate and trial levels by focusing on three sociolegal movements: the civil rights movement; the women's movement; and class action tort cases. [No conservative causes thrown in to balance that agenda.]

We will study social movement mobilization of law to reform notions of gender in law and society by focusing on: the pay equity movement; the feminization of the legal profession; and reproductive regulation in toxic workplaces. [I don't think she's a big booster of stay-at-home moms.]
She signed an earlier NION letter that contained this language, posted at multiple leftist sites all over the Web:
Thus we call on all Americans to RESIST the war and repression that has been loosed on the world by the Bush administration. It is unjust, immoral, and illegitimate. We choose to make common cause with the people of the world. We too watched with shock the horrific events of September 11, 2001. We too mourned the thousands of innocent dead and shook our heads at the terrible scenes of carnage -- even as we recalled similar scenes in Baghdad, Panama City, and, a generation ago, Vietnam.
Can't grieve America without slamming America? Can't love America because you hate America? Still can't see -- even after Pol Pot and the repression that rules in Vietnam today -- that it was our side in Vietnam that was moral and just? Got it. Take our money, educate our kids, and hate everything we stand for.