Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 17, 2005

Rathergate in Anagrams

Ah, the wierd creativity of the human mind! From Ether House with a hat-tip to Instapundit:

Regular readers will have noticed my fondness for anagrams. I recently started anagramming the names of some of my favorite blogs, and made an interesting discovery: I could tell the entire Rathergate story using only anagrams for Instapundit. Here it is.

Disputant in
Unpaid Stint
A story in anagrams

Titan du Spin.
Dan tip is nut.
Dan puts it in.
“Tut, Dan!” I snip.
“Dan? Nut!” I spit.
I stand, input.
I sit, punt Dan.
Stint up, Dani!
Dan in tits-up.*
*Tits-up = British slang for dead, kaput, hopelessly messed up.