Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, January 17, 2005

More On Cambodian Sex Trade

My post two down on the Cambodian sex trade drew an interesting comment from Maobi, who blogs out of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:
The sex trade has always been there and will always be there. Just because the NYT points to it happening in another country (and not in their own convenient) doesn't mean there are any easy solutions. Would eliminating the sex trade actually help anyone?
Obviously, assuredly, undeniably YES. Just as obviously, assuredly and undeniably that it would also not help others. Maobi's comment was radical enough that I followed the link to his blog and read his entire post. He's been on the ground in the area and uses his understanding of the culture to make an argument justifying the sex trade.

I'm not buying. Here's my comment back to his post:
Very interesting. You make a lot of good points based on your understanding of the area.

However, you missed one interesting and critical point of the NYT piece: That some of the girls taken from the sex hotel to the shelter did not what to go back, while others did.

Those who wanted to go back justify your thinking; those who did not want to go back justify the raid. What damage is done by shutting down a sex hotel that sells youngsters for just one day, if it would free those who want to be freed?

The proposition that sold sex doesn't hurt anyone is false and dangerous. Sold sex decays society, spreads illness, exploits the weak (especially women) and rots souls. It should not be condoned by society or spiraling decadence will result.