Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 17, 2004

A Mountain of an Armored Molehill

Now that MSM are picking up and megaphoning every call for Rumsfeld's resignation, no one seems to be stopping to note that the planted question that started it all was loaded and inaccurate.

No one, that is, except the blogosphere, specifically Powerline, which gave a hat tip to their reader Evert Visser. It turns out that when the soldier asked Rumsfeld the pointed, and planted, question, just 20 of the 830 vehicles the Guardsman was "concerned" about remained to be up-armored, and they were all up-armored within 24 hours, right on schedule. Here's the link to the press conference in which this was all laid out.

I wrote earlier about how this all started with a reporter planting the question with the young Guardsman. ( here) The reporter, the Chattanooga Times Free Press' Edward Lee Pitts, was embedded and should have had ample opportunity to view the state of the vehicles in the company's motorpool. It appears that he used the Guardsman to plant a question he knew was biased and unfair -- but that doesn't matter to all the newspersonalisties and publicity-seeking electeds who are unwisely calling for Rumsfeld's head.