Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Tossing Around The "H" Word

The word is "hate" and we hear it a lot lately. Mostly,it's thrown at Republicans because we won't compromise our moral convictions to appease the poor, wounded Democrats.

My Mom, who I love dearly despite the fact that she's an inside-the-beltway (really!) Liberal, threw the H-word at me yesterday in an email -- not only were my kind hate-filled, they were ignorant. There were several attachments, including a solid, if a little over the top emotionally, LA Times op/ed by Frank Pastore. In it, Frank, an ex-major league pitcher who hosts the most listened-to Christian talk radio program in the country, argued that we won the election and we shouldn't compromise on moral issues.

Mom had typed across the top of it, "I cannot understand this kind of hate, a great danger to our country." Here's the meat of Frank's piece, including the most emotional paragraph. Tell me, do you see hate here?

In the weeks and months to come, we will hear the voices of well-meaning people beseeching the victor to compromise with the vanquished. This would be a mistake. Conservatives must not compromise with the left. Good people holding false ideas are won over only if we defeat what is false with the truth.

The left must be defeated in the realm of ideas, just as it was on Tuesday at the ballot box. The left hates the ballot box and loves its courtrooms, which is why it hopes to continue to advance its agenda through the courts. This must end.

The left bewitches with its potions and elixirs, served daily in its strongholds of academe, Hollywood and old media. It vomits upon the morals, values and traditions we hold sacred: God, family and country. As we learned Tuesday, it is clear the left holds the majority of Americans, the majority of us, in contempt.

Simply, a majority of Americans have rejected John Kerry and John Edwards and the left because they are wrong. They are wrong because there are not two Americas. We are one nation under a God they reject. We remain indivisible despite their attempts to divide Americans through their relentless warfare against class, ethnic and religious unity.

She confuses conviction with hate. Also attached was the blather many of you probably have read about Kerry states having higher average IQs than Bush states -- but for all her intellectual superiority over us poor blue-staters, she didn't bother to truth-check it. If she had, she would have found that the story is probably -- or definately, depending on your search results -- a hoax.

True or not, the IQ article very obviously called me and my kind stupid, but she did not see that she was exhiting H-word-iness herself by doing that. Nor, I suppose, did the writers in Slate and elsewhere , who have called us hicks, yokels, idiots and Christian Jihadists. The most egregious H-worder is Bob Herbert, whose post-election NY Times op/ed, Voting Without Facts, hurled such H-phrases at us as: The so-called values issue ... ignorance played at least as big a role in the election's outcome as values ... people who have put that part of their brain on hold ... there's a fair amount of cluelessness in the ranks of the values crowd ... voters who have arrogantly claimed the moral high ground and can't stop babbling about their self-proclaimed superiority ... values that pivot on a dime were not really values to begin with.

Liberals want us to treat our moral integrity as if it were political expediency. Won't happen. While I haven't heard a single conservative commentator say we shouldn't make political compromises in the name of unity, every single one of them has said -- a duh! statement if ever there was one -- that we shouldn't compromise our firmly held and hard-fought moral core in order to make the Secularists happy. Being Secularists, the Left can't understand this, since relative morals are tradeable morals.