Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, April 11, 2008

Watcher's Winners

The results of the Watcher of Weasels weekly runway show of some of the fanciest blog-writings of the week are in, and they're good. Not perfect in my humble opinion, but very, very good.

Coming in first among the Watcher's Council entries was Joshuapundit's "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie"... Accommodating Islam. If you've read the children's book from which the title comes, you know the drill: A little seemingly innocuous request is followed by another, lager, and another, even larger request.

Right behind was a post I thought to be one of the best of the year, Bookworm Room's The Wizard of Ooze. Bookworm used to think Obama was like Chance the gardener in Being There; now she sees him (much more correctly) as a reverse Wizard of Oz. Reverse Wizard? Read it.

On the Non-Council side, The Brussels Journal scored a runaway win with Creating a European Indigenous People's Movement, which you can't read without drawing analogies to The Communist Manifesto or the Declaration of Independence. It is right, it is true, and I hope it sweeps through Europe like wildfire.

I call your attention to my nominee, which came in tied for third, Rachel Lewis' Put On Your Helmets, We're Talking About Abortion. I thought this an exceptionally powerful discourse opposing abortion, just because Lewis approaches the subject as a single person who enjoys sex frequently, is not at all bound by moral constraints or a fear of retribution, yet came to find herself quite opposed to abortion.

See all the winners here.

Thanks, Watcher, for running such an exciting show.
