Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday Reading

It's time for the Watcher's weekly mind-expansion exercises! C'mon, you mental tubbies! One, two, one two!

These exceptional blog posts will be voted on by the Watcher's Council on Thursday night, and you, with you're wonderfully more fit mind, will see the results here Friday morning.

Council links:

  1. Chickenscribes
    Done With Mirrors
  2. Then What?
    The Glittering Eye
  3. Former UD Student Is Clueless
    The Colossus of Rhodey
  4. Unsex Me... Not
    Soccer Dad
  5. Greenie Insanity and the Santiago Fire
    Cheat Seeking Missiles
  6. Redemption
    Bookworm Room
  7. Closing a Chapter of History
    Rhymes With Right
  8. Courts v. Terrorism = Wile E. Coyote v. Road Runner
    Big Lizards
  9. Pakistan Heats Up -- Al Qaeda Licks Lips
    ‘Okie’ on the Lam
  10. Semiannual Stupidity
    The Education Wonks
  11. The Origins of Bush Derangement Syndrome
    Right Wing Nut House
  12. Has Musharraf Come To a New Agreement With the Islamists In Pakistan?
Non-council links:
  1. The Pulse of Amanda's Error
    Dennis the Peasant
  2. Dr. Johnson and Today's Liars for Hire
    American Digest
  3. Neo-Soviet Russia Obliterates Its Internet
    Publius Pundit
  4. Rockville's Bike Bridge To Nowhere
    Pillage Idiot
  5. A Great Shifting of the Winds
    Eternity Road
  6. Hypocrisy or Decency? The Left's Dirty Little Secret
    Right Wing News
  7. New GIMF Video: Caravan of Martyrs in Iraq (Updated: GIMF's English Propagandist Identified?)
    The Jawa Report
  8. Crisis In Pakistan
    Power Line
  9. Clinton & Bush Both Thrown a Curveball on Iraq?
    The Anchoress
  10. Soldiers Still Need Some Cheer!
    Electric Venom
  11. Someone Please Buy Matt Yglesias a Starbucks Coffee
  12. Condi Rice Is Not Tom Brady
    Israel Matzav
  13. Thompson Goes Electric...
  14. Anti-Jihad Row Spreads
Your post could be here next week! Either write something brilliant that catches the eye of a Council member, or write something brilliant and send it to the Watcher, taking advantage of his offer of link whorage.

Thanks, Watcher, for the mental workout!

