Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, April 08, 2007

"I Will Draw All People To Myself"

He is risen! The greatest miracle since creation lives on in the hearts of every Christian today, fired by the Holy Spirit who warms us with the very breath of our risen Lord.

I would like to sincerely thank Richard Lyall, who describes himself as "A restless Celtic po-mo GenX thinking evangelical charismatic mystic contemplative creative follower of Christ ... called on a journey I don't fully understand," for this breathtaking and inspirational art. His site, Pilgrim's Progress, has some additional Easter art that is well worth your contemplation.

He says of this piece of art:

It's that time of year again ... once again the Cross is looming large. Last year the big thing was "by his stripes we are healed". This year it seems to be "When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to myself."

I know that whatever we do, whether inherited or emerging or pioneering or something else, it's all about leading people to encounter the crucified and risen Jesus. And if that happens, somehow the rest will take on its true perspective.

Happy and deeply blessed Easter to you and yours today, dear reader.

