Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Too Bad We Don't Have Two Senators From Georgia

Not the Georgia that's between South Carolina and Florida, but the one that's between Russia and Turkey. From CentComm:
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has announced that Georgia is ready to triple its deployment of troops to Iraq as part of its continuing efforts to assist the Iraqi government and coalition forces in bringing peace and stability to Iraq.

"We are ready to significantly increase the Georgian troop deployment to Iraq. We understand that the next year will be decisive in terms of stabilizing the situation in that country. We want to do everything possible to help the Iraqi people and coalition partners bring stability, peace and freedom to Iraq," he stated.

President Saakashvili has also offered to make available more than hundred additional troops for the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan.
Lefties will laugh this off, since Georgia has just 850 elite troops in Iraq, a number that will grow to well over 2,000. But Georgia is a small country, and its contribution is one of the most significant to the Coalition on a per capita basis.

While our stupid, stupid Dem Senators try to shame America into cutting and running, Georgia, a country that knows what it's like to not have freedom, stands up and fights this era's great repressors.

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