Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Anti-War People Really Are Nuts

The most bizarre quote in memory comes from David Swanson, who organized an anti-war protest in DC yesterday to greet the incoming Dems:
"We were [at the Capitol] to lobby. We wanted to tell them that we in the peace movement won this war for you, and we have the impression that you're turning your back on us from day one." (source)
Won this war for you?!

Huh? Oh! Swanson's "war" was the mid-term election.

That's not a war; that's a skirmish. The Dems wouldn't have won on the war if the GOP hadn't failed on immigration, spending and projecting a sense of enlightened leadership.

Swanson (a close cohort of Cindy Sheehan) obviously believes that the war is against the GOP and George Bush, not against Islamist terrorists who want to destroy America.

That's why he and Cindy could only find about 10 or 12 other people crackpot enough to join them in their little demonstration. C'mon, David! The midterm elections you "won" weren't that close!

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