Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, September 01, 2006

New Terrorist Arrests In Britain

Reuters just carried this:
Fourteen men were arrested in anti-terrorism raids in south and east London, police in the British capital said on Saturday.

"Officers from the Metropolitan Police anti-terrorist branch have arrested 14 men under the Terrorism Act ... in a pre-planned intelligence-led operation," a London police spokesman said.

He said the raids had taken place late on Friday and early on Saturday.

The spokesman said the 14 arrests were not linked to earlier arrests of more than 20 people in connection with an alleged plot by a group of British Muslims to blow up U.S.-bound airliners using liquid explosives.

They will be Muslims, and we don't need to know the demographics of east and south Lundon to know that. I'm not sure if England will be able to hold on to its current security level of "Peeved" for much longer.

Hat-tip: Breitbart

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