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Good news for art lovers. It'll be interesting to learn the story behind this story.OSLO, Norway -- Police recovered two paintings they believe are the Edvard Munch masterpieces "The Scream" and "Madonna," two years after masked gunmen seized the priceless artworks from an Oslo museum in a bold, daylight raid, authorities announced Thursday.
Both paintings, stolen from the Munch Museum in August 2004, were in better-than-expected condition, police said at a news conference.
"The pictures came into our hands this afternoon after a successful police action," said Iver Stensrud, head of the police investigation. "All that remains is an expert examination to confirm with 100% certainty, that these are the original paintings. We believe these are the originals," Mr. Stensrud said.
"I saw the paintings myself today, and there was far from the damage that could have been feared," he said.
Related Tags: Edvard Munch, Munch, The Scream, Art
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