Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

League Of Arab Hypocrites

The organization representing nations that have killed more Muslims than any others spoke to the UN yesterday about the "bloodbath" (their words) in Lebanon:

Speaking on behalf of the League of Arab States, Qatar’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Jabr al-Thani said innocent Lebanese had borne the brunt of the current conflict.

“It is most saddening that this Council stands idly by, crippled and unable to stop the bloodbath, which has become the bitter daily lot of the unarmed Lebanese people,” he said, adding later in his speech that “what is happening will sow the seeds of hatred and extremism in the area and provide a pretext for those who feel that the international community is taking sides.”

Sheikh al-Thani recommended an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire; the withdrawal of Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) to behind the Blue Line separating Israel and Lebanon; an increase in the size, strength and mandate of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL); and support for the Lebanese Government so that it can deploy its army, and thereby extend its authority, across all of its territory.

Hezbollah is made up of armed Lebanese people whose considerable stockpiles of armaments are supplied by Arab League member states. Islamic theocracies the world over, Saudi Arabia chief among them, are spreading the seeds of hatred and extremism through mosques and schools.

The Arab League is made up of Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen. With the exeception of Iraq, there's not an elected democracy among them.

Iraq alone has killed millions of Muslims in Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. Jordan shunned Palestinians. Somalia kills Muslims they see unfit to live because of minor breaches of strict laws. As does Saudi Arabia. Sudan? Genocidal psychopaths.

The Arab League failed to mention that Arabs -- Hezbollah -- started this war as they started the four previous wars against Israel.

On an equally absurd note, the UN Human Rights Council will consider Lebanon on Friday, at the request of Islamic states, the leading perpetrators of Human Wrongs on the planet. Muslim nations calling for an investigation included such stellar towers of freedom as Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Joining in the call were the freedom loving nations of China, Cuba and the Russian Federation.

There is evil afoot in the world, an alliance of Muslim theocratic dictatorships and godless communist dictatorships, conspiring to thwart any effort to spread freedom and democracy.

Add to their ranks, Ned Lamont, Jack Murtha and their ilk, who would concede Iraq and the Middle East to these haters of freedom.

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