Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, January 20, 2006

Seeing Eye To Eye

Victor Davis Hanson and I share the same view on Iran: UN action will be weak, strong action will be vetoed, unilateral military action by the US appears difficult at best, and Mamoud Ahmadinijad will get his bomb and try to use it to realize his end-time anti-Semitic fantasy.

In today's column, Hanson builds on the theme, particularly on the campaign Ahmadinijad is waging to global build acceptance of his much dreamed for destruction of Israel. Ahmadinijad's weapon? Western intellectual moral relativism. Unable to judge good and evil, seeing honor in victimization, the West will be unable to condemn Iran, Hanson fears. And then:
Money, oil and threats have brought the Iranian theocrats to the very threshold of a nuclear arsenal. Their uncanny diagnosis of Western malaise has now convinced them that they can carefully fabricate a Holocaust-free reality in which Muslims are the victims and Jews the aggressors deserving of punishment. And thus Ahmadinejad's righteously aggrieved (and nuclear) Iran can, after "hundreds of years of war," finally set things right in the Middle East.

And then a world that wishes to continue to make money and drive cars in peace won't much care how this divinely appointed holy man finally finishes a bothersome "war of destiny."
That this absurd and unbelievable hypothosis actually is believed already in much of the world shows how close to achieving his goal Ahmadinijan is. Read my frequent (aaarrrrrggghh!) commenter Steve. He has no ability, or desire, to assess good and evil; in fact, he's angry at Bush for having a moral compass but can't condemn Ahmadinijan for having one, nor can he judge Ahmadinijan's as an immoral moral compass.

There are millions just like him. Some head nations. Some lead the UN. How obvious it is that in the moral war for the future of humanity, most of humanity has taken itself out of the war ... and in the process, sided with the immoral ... by refusing to accept morality as a valid foundation for society.

h/t RCP