Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Lefties Ignore Iran's Nukes

Shaking off international howls of outrage at its re-start of its nuclear program (as if it was ever really stopped), Iran's #2 nuke guy, Mohammad Saeedi, said today:
"What we resume is merely in the field of research, not more than that. We make a difference between research on nuclear fuel technology and production of nuclear fuel. Production of nuclear fuel remains suspended."
I'm nominating that for Lie of the Week.

Unlike Saddam's WMD's, Tehran's quest for the bomb is well documented through years of spying, arrests, ship captures, testimony of defectors and plea bargainers, sales records -- a mountain of evidence. Like Saddam's WMD's, Tehran's arrogant snub of international protocols is dangerous brinksmanship indicative of a deep commitment to a goal they cannot be allowed to achieve.

I did a quick run through of four of the most-read leftyblogs (Amerikablog, Democratic Underwear, Daily Koff, Blathering Points Memo) and found ... not a peep. The word "Iran" simply did not appear in a complete scroll-down of their landing pages.

They were all anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-GOP, anti-God. And it's odd, because there's the opportunity for the classic lefty dodge:
"The US gave them the Shah Iran's first nuclear technology and the West* has been selling them technology for years, so who's really to blame here?"
* They would use "West" because they just couldn't bring themselves to say "Germany and France" -- although Germany might be easier now that a conservative is in power there.

The fact that Iran's bomb-quest is not mentioned on any of these blogs is simply tacit recognition by the leftyblogs that their party cannot be trusted to deal with a threat like this, their leaders are pontificating blowhards, not men of action, and their policies aren't designed to deal with hard, dangerous reality.
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