Cheat-Seeking Missles

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Kos Bummed By Campaign Funds

Kos is bummed. Yes, the leader of the whacked-left charge has lots to be bummed about, but today it's this:
Before we get too giddy about poll numbers showing Republicans like Santorum and Burns in serious trouble, let's take a gander at their fundraising numbers in the top-tier races.
Stroll on over to Wackyville and take a gander at the numbers. The Dems are having a tough go at fundraising this time around. I wrote about this earlier in a post Deadbeat Dems Voting Smart? about the fundraising shortfalls over at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The Dems are short on ideas and long on shrillness, a combination that doesn't inspire a lot of check-writing. But that's just the fact. Expect Kos and others to blame it on Abramoff next ... ignoring the beaucoups of Abramoff tender the Dems pocketed before his downfall.