Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, December 09, 2005

Clear Proof Tookie Should Die

Tookie William's big defense is that his books have inspired people to leave or avoid the gang life. So what's with this?
Local [LA] officials ... said that they had heard some rumblings that violent demonstrations could occur if Williams is put to death.

"I don't think it's hard to imagine that in this context there would be individuals in certain communities who would say that they expect violence," said Robin Toma, executive director of the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations. "What we picked up is enough to make us believe there will be an attempt in some isolated places for a violent response to what occurs,."
It seems his message against the gang life and gang violence hasn't had much effect at all. And since he's never admitted to his crime or apologized to the families of his victims, what single good does his life stand for? Nothing.