Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Black Caucus Burning Katrina Vics?

Here's a little something that got a lot of blog play when it was announced on Dec. 22, reported here by Brit Hume on Fox:
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation has blasted the Bush administration for slow response to Hurricane Katrina, but it has yet to distribute any of $400,000 it raised for Katrina victims in the aftermath of the storm, the CBC member Jesse Jackson, Jr., called the government's lack of response, quote, "shockingly awful," and Carolyn Kilpatrick said she was, quote, "ashamed of America."

But a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation spokesman tells Cybercast News Service that funds won't be distributed until January or February at the earliest, after a committee decides how to spend the money.
How hard is it to write a check or two to any of the proven and worthy charities in New Orleans and Mississippi that have proven they do good work? This is the same bunch that said Bush was another Bull Connor because it took Washington a few days to step in after New Orleans and Louisiana lost control of the situation.

It's obvious that the people represented by these jokers deserve and need a higher caliber of representative.

And if you, like me, weren't aware of this story, it's not because you're not reading your newspaper. A Nexus search revealed only one story (the Fox report above) on the subject. MSM continues to defend its allies, saving ink for its enemies.