Cheat-Seeking Missles

Thursday, December 29, 2005

No, It's Islam, Not "Just Culture"

I posted recently on the Teflon nature of Islam -- how Islamic men can rape or gang-rape non-Muslim women, how Islamic fathers and brothers can kill their daughters or sisters in "mercy killings" -- and their religion just stands by. And they avoid global outrage. There is no women's group hollering for the rapes to stop, no human rights organization mounting a global challenge to honor killings.

And certainly, no uprising of Imams and Mullahs saying, "Knock it off! That's not Islamic!"

Imagine if Christians all over the world, from all sorts of cultures with only Christianity in common, were killing homosexuals or molesting children, and priests and pastors just stood by, or worse, encouraged it. What an outrage we'd have then! Certainly, people wouldn't simply dismiss these outrages as "Oh, it's just the culture."

But that's exactly what I heard from
This is not Islamic, it is cultural and you would know only if you would bother to have a look at their history. Too bad you are only concerned with defaming Islam. haha. What a waste of time for Islam cannot and will not be suppressed. It simply is God's will and mark His words that it shall not vanish.
Sue Bob couldn't stand it. She countered:
What culture is Meysar talking about? Arabic? Persian? Indonesian? Philipino? African?These honor killings are happening in all these countries. In the Muslim communities.
Not to mention the Lebanese-Australians who are gang-raping Australian women.

Meysar and Muslim leaders all over the world are trying to simply dismiss the attrocities of their religion, whether it's terrorist jihad, rape or mercy killings. It is not just culture -- it is a religion that condones and even deifies abominations.

Again and again, when voices are raised about something that's wrong with Islam, Islam's reaction is not to address its ills, but to attack the accuser as someone who is defaming their religion. If I remember my psych 101 lessons right, defensiveness of that sort is a sure-fire sign of guilt.

So once again, why won't Islam heal itself?