Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Islam: Teflon Against Attrocities

Yesterday, Bookworm had a powerful post about the world's lack of outrage over the hundreds (thousands?) of rapes perpetrated by Islamic men on non-Islamic women. "Where is the outrage?" she asked.

And where is it over mercy killings -- like this one in Pakistan?
Nazir Ahmed appears calm and unrepentant as he recounts how he slit the throats of his three young daughters and their 25-year old stepsister to salvage his family's "honor" — a crime that shocked Pakistan.
We'll believe that shock when we see Pakistan and other Islamic nations begin to confront mercy killings before they're carried out, through condemnation, reform and education. Or are they only shocked because he went beyond killing his stepdaughter and killed all his daughters?
The 40-year old laborer, speaking to The Associated Press in police detention as he was being shifted to prison, confessed to just one regret — that he didn't murder the stepsister's alleged lover too. ...

Ahmed's killing spree — witnessed by his wife Rehmat Bibi as she cradled their 3 month-old baby son — happened Friday night at their home in the cotton-growing village of Gago Mandi in eastern Punjab province.

It is the latest of more than 260 such honor killings documented by the rights commission, mostly from media reports, during the first 11 months of 2005.

That's right -- 260 such killings in 11 months, or 24 a month, in just one Islamic country. Similar killings occur throughout the Islamic world, and it's all right with Islam.

There isn't a massive movement within the religion to confront this monstrosity and right the wrong.

Nor is there a movement in the West to condemn Islam for this failure. When 24 people are killed a month because of land mines (or whatever the true number is) the West recoils. Rock stars and royals clamor over each other to express their outrage, and the UN passes resolutions.

Why not with Islamic mercy killings? Why not with Islamic rapes?

Are we so afraid of Islam that we will continue to allow its abominations? What moral difference is there between killing one's daughters and flying planes into skyscrapers?

The evil that is allowed to dwell inside of Islam needs to be confronted; it needs to be stopped.