Cheat-Seeking Missles

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Winning By Losing?

We Californians get to vote on Tuesday on a number of important propositions, including 75, which would strip public employee unions of much of their grip on Sacramento.

The polls are all over the place on the propositions, but Jim posits an angle that sounds pretty good, win or lose:
As usual, the "other side" hasn't actually proposed anything, they are just "AGAINST" what ever it is that our side proposes... In this case this might just prove to be GREAT!

From my understanding, the public employees unions have spent $150 million fighting Arnold's bills, and they have mortgaged the farm to get that money.

If, as it seems we might, we lose, what is to prevent us from re-submitting the same bills for the June or November elections? It's not like they would have gotten any OPPOSING bills passed... We lose a manageable amount of money, but they have pretty much blown their wad... What chance would they have of mounting a second campaign? (Unless George Soros comes to their rescue, that is.)
It shows you what's at stake. If they're willing to spend $150 million to stop the propositions, imagine the money the unions collect to keep California burdened by the bosses and the greedy.