Cheat-Seeking Missles

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Rioutous Quiet Night In France

French politicians are patting themselves on the back as their curfew, nearly two weeks in the making, quieted things down across the nation. Yes, it was a quiet night:
  • Only 617 vehicles were torched
  • In Toulouse, gangs attacked police with stones and firebombs.

  • In Bordeaux, a bus exploded when hit by a Molotov cocktail.

  • In southeastern France, Lyon's entire public transport network was shut down after a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a train station.

  • Up north in Arras, punks burned down several stores in a shopping center.

  • In Belgium, four cars were torched. (source)

The curfew, which should have been imposed much sooner, will not make the anger go away. Unemployment and prejudice will still be rampant -- even moreso, given the behavior of these Muslim criminals -- and trials and imprisonments for hundreds of Islamo-homies are coming, along with the requisite charges of police brutality and unfair justice.

What's France to do? If they go the fairness and assimilation route, it will cost billions they don't have to employ social welfare programs that haven't worked before. If they openly accept their Muslim population without fear and suspicion, they are dropping their guard against terrorists. If they clamp down, there goes the core of the national ethic, equality.

The world -- both good guys and bad -- will be watching.