Cheat-Seeking Missles

Monday, November 28, 2005

Putting The [Blank] Back In [Blank]mas

The American Family Association recently went through two Memphis-area newspapers searching for the word "Christmas" in the ads of major retailers.

Only one retailer -- McRae's/Belks, hardly a national brand -- mentioned Christmas in its ads. Not mentioning Christmas were Target, Office Max, Sears, STaples, Lowe's, J.C. Penny, Dell, Best Buy, Walgreens and Kroger. And this was in the heart of the Bible Belt!

Here's the Target home page. You won't find a single reference to Christmas there ... although if you scroll down, you'll find they've been proactive about avoiding a replay of the Salvation Army flare-up of last year. Lest you think all that Christmas-y red is on the page because it's Target's site, here's the JC Penny home page.