Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, November 06, 2005

A Leftist Mantra Bites The Dust

We all know that the military is chock-a-block full of blacks, as part of the Man's strategy of placing the burden of war on the backs of the long-oppressed blacks. We know because the Left told us so.

So will they retool their rhetoric when confronted by facts like these, published in that mouthpiece of the Right, USAToday?

The number of black enlisted troops has declined significantly in three military branches from 2000 through 2004 - by 15% in the Army, 23% in the Marines and 11% in the Air Force. The Navy's number fell only slightly. The overall size of all four branches has stayed roughly the same.

... During the four-year period, African-American recruits in all four services fell nearly a third, from 38,034 in 2000 to 26,170 in 2004.

Other factors include a rise in black college attendance and the fact that the war in Iraq is more unpopular among blacks than among whites, according to public opinion polls.

The Left knows service is voluntary, so by spreading their "on the backs of blacks" lies, they are revealing their elitist racism. They are saying blacks are so stupid they get sucked in by recruiters or can't figure out alternatives.