Cheat-Seeking Missles

Sunday, November 06, 2005

LATimes Gets It Wrong (Again)

Opining on Tuesday's special election and raft of initiatives, the editorial writers at the LATimes wrote:
So why are we having this election? And why should anyone vote? The immediate answer to the first question is clear enough: Because Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted it.
Wrong. It's because the people of California wanted it. During the recall, Schwarzenegger made it clear that if the Legislature didn't pass his reform agenda, he would take it to the people through referenda.

He won. Davis lost. The legislature didn't. He did.

How quickly the LAT rewrites history. On the positive side, LAT does get it right in a surprising number of its initiative endorsements. They are very wrong in opposing 73 however. That's the abortion parental notification initiative, and LAT refuses to acknowledge that parents have this right, especially in a state where parental permission is required if a kid's going to take an aspirin in school.