Cheat-Seeking Missles

Friday, October 21, 2005

Those Fun-Loving Muslims

BBC reports:
Three people have died during a riot outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt, after a protest against a play accused of offending Islam. ...

Dozens of people were injured in the crush. One man who died was trampled and had inhaled tear gas, police said.

On Wednesday, a Muslim man stabbed a nun in protest at the sale of a DVD of the play, staged at the church in 2003.
All this over a play called "I once was lost but now I see," which odds-on is not the least bit insulting of Islam. The Copts have not survived in Egypt as a tiny minority by offending Muslims.

Copts held on as the majority of Egypt for several centuries after Islam invaded the country. Now they're down to 5-10%. That's still too many for those fun-loving Muslims. Oh, but let's remember to be tolerant to the so-called religion of peace.